Life Of Elyse BLOG

Finding Light During Lockdown

Firstly, sending my warmest love to everyone in the country who is in lockdown. It is such an incredibly tough time & I feel deeply for those who are struggling.


Just remember that we are all in this together and the importance of reaching out to friends, family & colleagues to check in is vital. We all need support, friendship & kindness.

Never assume someone is ok. Ask them & make sure.

I actually started writing this blog a few weeks ago when Byron was not in lockdown ... and now here we are, ready for the ride with hardly any indication of an end in sight. It'll be ok. Remember we are all in this together.

My first thought. When you first get up in the morning - if you can - try to avoid turning the news on straight away. It can be quite jarring and quite depressing, so to avoid feeling too dark when you first wake up - turn your mind to something else initially. Something you can control & something that brings you lightness. Personally, I tend to wake up, pop the kettle on and go for a walk outside to breathe in the fresh air. I turn music on while I prepare break & then, when I'm feeling mentally set, I'll browse through the news online. When I know what I need to know, I log out and turn my brain to family, work & positivity.

Don't get me wrong, there are mornings that this may feel impossible, but for Sunny's sake and the sake of my mental health - counting my blessings and seeking goodness is of such value. The simplest of things, like warm toast or a happy song can help.

Ok so moving onto the writing piece I started a few weeks back. It's all about how to stay alert & motivated during winter. Bouncing out of bed at the moment feels more like lugging your heavy limbs out of bed, so hopefully the below can offer some helpful ideas. But remember - if there was ever a time to be extra kind to yourself & remove any unwanted stress or pressure, the time is now. Go easy.

The get up & go aspect to wintery life, especially when you're restricted by lockdown can sometimes feel like getting up carrying 20kg of dead weight... right?

With a newborn I've been up and down all night with feeds and nappy changes ... yet when it's time to start the actual day, there is no hiding. We wish!!!!

To hide under the covers & have someone bring you meals would be the DREAM. But life must go on! We owe it to our minds and bodies to push through the toughest of times and prove to the voice inside us saying NO, that we can ALL do it. And we need to do it. Life is too short to be wasted.

Finding that morning spark is key. And something wholesome to aim for.

For you - is it excitement for a yummy breakfast, a strong coffee, to see the faces of your children or pets? Is it a work out, a daily challenge, a walk in the rain or sunshine?


For the people in NSW, my heart sincerely goes out to you. Living a life of lock is far from ideal but the end will come. For now, is there a way you can simply really focus on the enjoyment of the smallest of things? Not having to commute to work, being allowed to stay in snuck clothes all day with no makeup, spending quality time with your family or housemates - finding the time to do a little house hobby?

When you feel as if you're losing hope or a positive mindset, please keep at the forefront of your mind how lucky we are to be in a safe country like Australia. Watching what the people of Kabul are currently going through is absolutely devastating. The freedoms we have despite being in this horrible lockdown situation, is something to honour, all frustrations aside.

Maybe switch it up when you feel as if you're just going round in circles. Jump online and download a new workout online, cook something random for breaky - take a break and watch OR listen to something you know will make you happy.

Perhaps even when the times are tough, think of your loved ones and send them a message to ensure they're not feeling alone either. Or even better, call your friends on FaceTime so you can get a sense of their mood and how they're coping. I do at least two FaceTime calls a day. The aim of most of those calls is to bring them a warm smile. Reminding people that they're not alone is so, so important.
At the moment for me, the drive is exercise and finding time to get outside. Babies tend to bring life inside a lot of the time, so if I can get a hit of sunshine or just nature in the morning - my mindset shifts for the better. I am clearer, more awake and alert. I feel more productive and get a dose of endorphins, which we all need to hold onto.

The morning get up & go feeling is tough on days, but if we keep at it, it'll make for a kinder day.