Life Of Elyse BLOG

How Are You?


How Are You?

The 3 words that currently mean more than ever. It is a simple question but one that could really make a difference to someone's mental state. Especially those in Victoria enduring an intense period of isolation. 

It feels like the whole world has shifted ... and it has in many ways. We can't travel, we can't see our loved ones & there's a very evident sense of worry in the air as we don't know what's to come or when normal life will return. But what hasn't changed is our ability to connect with each other through conversation. Even if conversations take place over a phone call, a text message, via FaceTime, Zoom or email - all forms of conversation are so valuable & incredibly necessary.

Are you ok? How are you feeling? Are you coping with everything? Is there anything you need? Is there anything I can help you with? Is there anything that you're worried about or unsure of? Any of these questions can help a person open up & share something that might be weighing them down. Even your parents, siblings and the people who might normally ask you these questions ... they need to be reached out to as well. Everyone is slightly more vulnerable. Some more than others of course, but everyone is living through this pandemic and we are all at risk of feeling blue & feeling as though we are unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

The normal routines we might have followed in the past to find joy, relief, rest or comfort are not necessarily available to us at the moment. In many cases (obviously mostly in Victoria), the places we'd go to switch off and reset are unavailable meaning the world feels a little smaller. It's closed in & refined and bound by rules and regulations. I still find it hard to wrap my head around it all yet there is no escaping it so it's just a matter of getting through it one day at a time.


I think it's really important to remember that we are all allowed to have a down day, or a down period. If you are physically well, if you're not in Victoria or not in a place of confined lockdown - you're still allowed to feel worried or feel a sense of angst. Of course you are. It's in our nature to hold in our own pain when we feel as though the person next to us is suffering more. We feel as though we don't have the right to feel anything but gratitude. But please know that if you are feeling down right now - it is completely normal and it is ok. You are allowed to feel the way you feel - and you must reach out. 

Unemployment, loss of loved ones, suicide rates - these might be terrible things to think about but sadly they are of high relevance at the moment. Please don't be complacent. If you assume the people around you are ok - confirm it by checking in & actually asking the question, are you ok? 

Things NOT to do in isolation!

Things NOT to do in isolation!

I've been looking inwards at the moment. Spending time at home and focusing on each day as it comes. We can't plan for anything, so if we can get better at finding ways to harness the feeling of being content and calm, that is a fantastic daily goal. It might be through exercise, music, reading, writing, cooking, organising, mediating or staying social if you're in an area where it's permitted. It might just be allowing yourself to sleep in once or twice a week & getting some more rest. Whatever brings you light - go for it! If you feel as though you need to close the laptop an hour earlier and just watch something funny on Netflix or go for a walk & listen to some music - do it. There should be no peer pressure. There is no right way or wrong way of looking after yourself & getting through a rough day. As long as you are safe and doing what is needed to feel mentally strong, this is all that counts. 

This pandemic is challenging everyone in very unique ways. Just because others are dealing with it one way, it doesn't mean you need to be doing the same. Be very honest and open with yourself and constantly reach out to those around you and make sure they're doing the same.

Below are some links to mental health support sites & apps I'd highly recommend checking out. They are all there to bring comfort, relief & compassion. 

To everyone in Victoria, to everyone who is missing their loved ones or is having to isolate alone, please know that I am thinking of you as is the rest of the country. We are all in this together & we'll all remain united until the pandemic ends.

Keep safe, keep healthy & be kind to yourself and one and other.

Elyse x