Life Of Elyse BLOG

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day everyone!


Today feels like the perfect day to remind everyone to continue supporting those who suffered through the awful floods that hit NSW & QLD last month. Life gets so insanely busy, when a natural disaster comes to an end it's all too easy for those who are unaffected to go back to life as they know it. The thing about natural disasters however, is that most of the damage, the loss & the pain comes after the actual event. The days, weeks, months that follow are grim for so many individuals, families and companies.

Farmers who grow fruits, vegetables, herbs and farm animals for meat & dairy products were stopped in their tracks as they helplessly watched as their crops were flooded with up to 165mm of rain (sometimes in the space of one day). Farmers lost cows as gates were eroded & washed away & for some growers, harvesting the animals stock feed had to be heavily delayed causing the domino effect of damage to intensify. While this is hard on the consumers like you & I as we suddenly have to pay more for our produce or wait a little longer for produce to hit the shelves again - think of the farmers. Those who grow & sell produce for a living. When the crops are washed out or damaged - the impact on their livelihood is horrendous.

While the government will provide some financial aid, I strongly urge every single Australian individual to buy local & support the healing process as much as we can. As I said earlier, the damage won't take just weeks to recover. It'll take months and more, so please be patient and dig deep.


On this Earth Day, we all need to pay respect to our wonderful planet. As well as this, we need to consider that Mother's Nature can be harsh at times. Her unruly ways can be savage ... so when she turns, we all need to support each other & rebuild our land and livelihood as a united front.

Please buy local. Please be patient as stock & prices adjust to normal levels. It will take time.

Be kind to the earth everyone! Recycle, reuse and refrain from using single-use plastics! Have shorter showers, turn off electrical appliances when they're not in use (at the wall), and spread the word!

It takes ALL of us to care for our earth.

Elyse x