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This story first appeared on Husskie. Follow them on Twitter.

I first met Elyse Knowles back in Dec. 2015 when she was in Sydney as the new ambassador for Ulta3. I was just one of the many in a throng of media lining up for a bombardment of back-to-back interviews (and the obligatory selfie). But while incredibly charming and down-to-earth at the time, it wasn't until twelve months later that Elyse truly won me over.

Picking me out from the crowd as a familiar face (which is pretty impressive given she'd met me for five minutes a year earlier), she gave me a wave before her face erupted into one of her trademark big grins. Now you might think this makes me a bit of a pushover, and I'll admit it doesn't take much to have me on your side, but I've been one of her biggest fans ever since.

But it's not just me Elyse has managed to win over. With more than 600K followers on Instagram, Elyse has been rising the ranks as a bit of a crowd favourite. And she's been putting this following to good use – utilising it as a springboard to help draw attention to those communities in need.

The latest project Elyse is taking on is WaterAid's Water Challenge. This challenge will see her drink only water throughout March to help drive awareness about the world's poorest people gaining access to safe water.

On the back of this campaign, we tracked Elyse down to talk everything from eating and fitness regimes, her typical day, and just why she's prepared to make sacrifices for developing countries.

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You have a killer body. Is this something you need to work hard on or do you naturally have quite an athletic figure?
I work on my body every day. I am constantly working out, watching what I eat and drink, and making sure my brain is healthy too. As soon as I start thinking negatively, everything else goes downhill.

What would your normal day of eating look like?
I start with a smoothie in the morning which consists of: banana, vital greens, maca powder, cacao, cinnamon, protein and blueberries, topped with nuts and hemp seeds. Lunch is something very simple like a salad with protein, and dinner is usually fish and veggies.

How much exercise do you do a week and what would we find you doing?
My weekly exercise is always different, depending on where I am with work so it's a bit hard to give you an exact outline. I do gym classes, Pilates and boxing. I mix it up depending on what tickles my fancy. I think it's important to stay motivated and have fun.

How hard will it be for you to drink just water for one month?
It will be quite easy actually! There are so many ways to make water fun. It's refreshing and delicious to add some fruit to your water jug, or lemon, lime and mint.

Do you tend to drink much alcohol normally?
Nope, I actually hardly ever drink! If I do, it will be once in a blue moon and I will make it worth it! When I am out with friends, I fake drinking alcohol. I always have soda water with lemon, but instead I will be having water and lemon during the WaterAid challenge. I am also looking forward to people asking me why I am only drinking water so I can tell them about this amazing cause.