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Women's Health


Our ultimate girl crush, model, pro-renovator and tomboy Elyse Knowles has got it all going on, but what are the healthy habits she lives by every day? WH sat down with Elyse to find out.

For our former cover star “there is really no typical day for me but I try to keep a routine as much as I can”. She juggles running her property company with her partner, Josh, travelling interstate and overseas and most recently presenting for Channel 9’s postcards”. To ensure she is switched on and always her bubbly self, she chatted to us about the importance of health and nutrition.

So what does a typical day on the plate look like for you?

“I start every day off with Vital All-In-One mixed with water, because I know that it’s giving me everything I need for my day. Breakfast might be scrambled eggs with a little bit of pesto, spinach, goat’s cheese and avocado. And then at lunchtime I’ll have a salad – lettuce, some vegies, spinach, salmon – just delicious healthy, wholesome food. Or I’ll have a smoothie with banana, natural protein, cacao, cinnamon, almond milk and sometimes maca powder. Dinner will either be salmon or chicken with vegies and sometimes avocado for good natural fat. And usually some blueberries for dessert if I’ve got a craving.” Hungry yet?

What is your health philosophy?

“Health gives me energy, positivity, confidence, strength and [the] empowerment to do whatever I want to do. I set my goals pretty damn high, so I need everything I can get to try to achieve them.”

One the most important things she tells us is that “everything you put in your body, you’ll have an outcome from it. And with busy schedules and so much on our plate these days, looking after your body is key.”

Exercise is a big part of your life, why do you think it is so important to you?

“For me, it isn’t all about your body and appearance – it’s more about my head, keeping positive and just being day-to-day happy.”

“If I don’t exercise I feel sluggish and I’m not motivated, and everything becomes more of a chore. Overall it makes me feel toned, and then I feel confident in myself too.” 

We said what she said! Nourish your body, be kind and look after yourself. We’re busier than ever before so take some time out of your day to make sure you put yourself first.