Life Of Elyse BLOG

A Typical Day On Set

Elyse Knowles by Bonnie Hansen

Lots of people ask me what a typical day on set looks like when I'm shooting. So here's a little insight... 

Any shoot day of mine always starts off with exercise. No matter how tired I am, I always try and squeeze in a morning session. Even when I'm working interstate, I'll get up 30 minutes earlier to make sure I have time for some body weight exercises. They get my muscles popping & my energy flowing. This means a good headspace is locked in early! 

Post workout I come home & eat a big breaky. Shooting is physically tough! They're long days where you are constantly on your feet moving around. Models need a lot of energy stored away, so filling up on nutrients is vital. Usually I'll have eggs and avo or yogurt, berries and raw muesli.

I like to rock up to the set 5-10 minutes earlier than my call time. This means I don't feel rushed, or stressed... which is not a good way to kick start the day. A stressed out, sweaty Elyse is probably not what the client ordered!! More importantly, in this industry it's true what they say... "time is money." If models & creatives rock up late, it can be costly for the client. Being punctual is a good quality to have if you want your reputation to remain professional. 

When I first walk into the room or the production area, I make sure to say hello to EVERYONE before anything else. It doesn't matter who they are, what their role is or if there's 5 people or 30 people on the job, I make it my priority to say hello & politely introduce myself. Manners... another very important trait for a model to have. 

Next up I'll do a little bit of research to ensure that I'm fully aware of the job at hand. I find the director to go through the vibe of the shoot & the schedule. If I know what the director wants to create as the final result, I feel far more confident in front of the camera. 

Once I'm feeling prepared, it's hair & makeup time! I always arrive with a fresh face (i.e. no make up) & with clean hair so the creatives can work their magic. Arriving on a job with a face full is a little annoying for the team as they have to take it all of, give your skin a wash and start again. It's a time waster and your skin won't look as natural and fresh.

And then ... I'm into my first outfit! I love this part! Whatever I'm styled in usually sets the tone &  the mood of the shoot ... strong and sharp, feminism and playful, raw & beachy. It changes with every job, every client & every team which is heaven to me. It's amazing how an outfit can influence your character. It's feels quite freeing & liberating. You can be anyone you want to be.  

So by the time my hair & make up is on, I'm styled and ready to go - the production team is usually all set up & it's time to shoot. Normally some of the crew will be having their breakfast when I arrive or when I'm in H&MU. I tend to do my own thing for breaky prior to arriving just to make sure I'm avoid anything sugary or processed. These types of foods very quickly make me feel bloated, which is not what I need on the day of a shoot! No, no, no! I make sure that whoever I'm working with gets the very best version of me. Committed, positive, in good shape, & full of smiles. 

Throughout the day, I stay hydrated by sipping warm water from my reusable thermal drink bottle. Yep you read it correctly... warm water, never cold. The warmth keeps my insides warm. Warm Elyse, happy Elyse! 

Being in front of the camera is one of the places in the world where I feel most comfortable. I feel at home. I've grown up in front of it, learning to move, pose & create shapes. I let my personality ooze out, I forget about the room of people watching and I just do my thing with the brief in mind. Being confident and efficient makes the day easier for everyone. If you booked the job, you're what they want so there's no point second guessing yourself at this stage. Just get out there & smash it. Always keep your ear out for direction so you can get the job done & bust out as many looks as possible.

These days it's very normal for clients to be filming a video all day, meaning there is zero downtime. You always have to be ON! I don't really mind this at all though, it keeps me focused. 

Throughout the shoot there's lots of makeup touch ups & occasionally my hair is changed from up to down ... from straight to curls. On top of this theres usually a few location changes & many outfit changes. This is why a good breakfast is so important. You of course stop for lunch, but you need a good foundation of energy in the morning to prevent yourself from burning out. I always bring healthy snacks with me to the shoot just in case I get hungry or I'm in need of a quick boost.

Everyone always goes on about models having the easiest job in the world. I have to disagree. Sure, we are very fortunate to have a job that is fun, creative and collaborative but there is a lot of dedication and hard yakka that goes with the model life as well. It's not as glamorous as you think. It's a full time career which takes a team to maintain... not to mention a butt load of  SMILING! At the end of a shoot my cheeks literally ache for hours. I am a mute when I get home. All I want to do is snuggle up to Isla & Josh and go to bed early!

It is true though, I LOVE my job. I've worked very hard to get to where I am & I've made some big sacrifices and taken many risks along the way. I can't urge you all enough to go out & find the dream job that you will adore everyday. Everyone is born with their own special set of capabilities. If you're lucky enough to find the job that fits, don't let it go.

When it comes to the modelling industry, I'm not going anywhere!

The shoot below was shot in Sydney by the amazing team including: 
Makeup: @kristyanlow 
Hair: @richardkavanagh 
Stylist: @emmaread 
Photography: @bonnie_hansen_photography 
